Robert Godfrey Musasiwa 


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By Robert Godfrey MUSASIWA
Anglo-Saxon Complex [Work in Progress](Thesis/Phenomenon)- page 1 
(and their world domination agenda)

The idea of discussing the Anglo-Saxon Conspiracy Theory is to provide the consubstantial relationship of the US and England’s Britain at several if not all levels, including their origin and international agenda. This analysis is critical for the philosophy of this work to make sense to its users. One of The Readers Digest’s (1998, p326) definition of ‘complex[n]’ is ‘a whole composed of intricate or interconnected parts.’ According to the theory only geographic location separates the two. 
Elaboration of this conspicious group of humans is a study present and future generations are bound to appreciate so it must not be confused with any xenophobic agenda that may exist anywhere. Africa in particular will be able to realize why the policies of the US and wider Anglo-Saxonia or the Germanic tribal grouping of the EU are two sides of the same coin. Greater scholars may know and teach history but not necessarily use it to explaining international politics like this work seeks to do. Whipping boys have been described in dire terms [or praised when they obsequiosly bear with the stench of abuse], it is time for the emperors to look in the mirror to know the sight the ‘governed’ have to endure. The conspicious descriptions of germanic people as ‘vandals’ and ‘barbarians’ who were ‘except for the Franks... considered heretics by their native subjects’ [Nelson, 2003, p5] as opposed to the romanticised versions often preferred should also help to under-gird the view of this work that butchering other people or pillaging economies of real or percieved enemies is a perfected art in the genes of not just the Anglo-Saxons but germanic people as a whole. In the humble opinion of this work the theorisation, by Machiavelli or Hobbes, that society is naturally violent and chaotic is a cultural imperialistic dimension of germanism. Furthermore, but unfortunately a matter whose further analysis the scope of this present work does not permit, the whole idea of keeping the world tortured is a subtle way of externalising the cannibalistic tensions among themselves -otherwise if they run out of punch bags out there tearing each other wil begin.  
From pre-historic times we have the human being developing through various stages as elaborated by emminent scientists. The Readers’ Digest (1998) establishes that Caucasians are, especially, the white persons who are part of the light to brown skin coloured group of people[p260]; then it defines the Aryan as originating from the Proto-Indo-European whom Nazi ideology called Caucasian Gentiles, especially of Nordic type [97]. This is the spicie that evolved into the germanic tribes, with proto-germanic languages, [also known as nordic barbarians by the Romans], into which the Anglo-Saxons fall and of which the French, Dutch, Swedes, Norwegians, Belgians, Danes, Germans and northern Italians are also members of this club [p641] to Spain and Portugal should be added when we bring into frame Nelson’s (p5) analysis that by 500 BC ‘the Western [Roman] Empire was now in the hands of a series of “barbarian” [german] kings’. Speaking of physical features, ‘Tacitus described the Germans as blond-haired, blue-eyed people with large frames [with] other accounts tell[ing] of reddish-blond-haired figures that were well built and long-skulled’ [Weiner, p1] factors of physic that explain how German guys like Odovacar and others came to com
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mand Roman armies while yet other germans formed the mercenary band Rome employed from time to time [Nelson, in passim pp1-5]. In all fairness the eventual eclipse of the Romans by germanic tribes was inevitable because Germania provided not just the military genius but the iron, grains and the beef that made the Roman empire to tick [Nelson, in passim pp1-5; Weiner, p1-3]. 
The term Anglo-Saxon can be traced to the 5th and 6th Centuries when the germanic tribes called Angles, Saxons and Jutes originating from north-western Europe invaded Britain [Readers Digest1987, p69]. The number of germanic tribesmen who voyaged to Britain ‘is the subject of debate’, but they soon marginalised Celts to the fringes of the territory the Romans named Anglia, and multiplied their numbers and settlements [Sellar, ?, pp3-4]. The Vikings, their cousin and fellow ‘seaborne raiders’ from Norway and Denmark joined and temporary overshadowed them from between the 8th and 10th Century but the ‘kings of Wessex’ finally revived Anglo-Saxon dominance [Ibid, pp3-4].Like any other theory or laws the Anglo-Saxon Complex theory, on some points, relies on generalisations as well. People who state their origins and kind as being Anglo-Saxons, have a history traceable at least to Britain and pursue national or international, covert or overt agendas in that name are for all intends and purposes of this work the Anglo-Saxons whether or not:  
i] they be still in Britain or other parts of the world 
ii] they still bear a resemblance of the teoutonic Angles and Saxons or not or 
iii] (whether or not ethnic genealogists or anthropologists concurr with the claimants of the Anglo-Saxon label is another matter). The study’s stand on whether there still exists genuine Anglo-Saxons or they are fast becoming a nation of mongrels [?]is as good as any man’s guessThe term Anglo-Saxons is sometimes used in its shorter version ‘Anglo’ as in Anglo-Boer War, Anglo-American or Anglo-Dutch so the validity of its usage in this thesis cannot be penalised by those who may feel derided by it or feel there has been so much miscegenation in England for there to be a pure breed Anglo-Saxon. For clarity’s sake this limited study of US foreign policy capitalises on the 19th Century controversial utterance of the Congregationalist Minister Strong that:  
‘...America had been hand-picked by the Lord to lead the Anglo-Saxon [‘supe rior race’] in transforming the world’, 
which to him was strewn by inferior peoples[William, 1991: p60-1] to consolidate the Anglo-Saxon connection between England’s Britain and their former colony America. Going by the utterances of contemporary American elites the US’ choice to joining the 1st and 2nd World Wars on the side of Britain had very much to do with the Anglo-Saxon complex. As a illustration of Anglo-Saxon convergence at the confluence of the 19th and 20th centuries ‘vigorous empire men led by Senator Henry.. Lodge and Theodore Roosevelt defined America’s role as the new- and better- British Empire’ and they even promoted, ‘an industrialized concept of noblesse oblige [probably the most sinister dimension of Anglo-Saxon paternalism]’ [Williams, 1981, p121]. The ambitious embrace of the imperical agenda by US policy elites did not just indicate the rise of American expansionism at a hemispheric level- it infact was also the neo-genesis or ambitious energisation and radicalisation of the  
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Anglo-Saxon world domination agenda and hinted on the deplacement of England from the leadership position of that agenda. England was just a staging post for a sui generis whose invasions, settlerism and butchery threaten never to see sunset. Even a writer on modern Anglo-American relations, Letwin (1992, p285), mentions how Thatcher emerged from the Falklands War emotionally closer to the US and believing ‘it was upon the Anglo-Saxon and Atlantic connection rather than upon ...[European] allies and trading partners across the Channel that Britain could depend most firmly at a time of national crisis.’ In the MA dessertation proposal the authour laid out that America is essentially an Anglo-Saxon4 horn while The UN5 is just a glorified round table for Western Europe. The marginalisation of Germany and France for their reservations over the murder expedition on Iraq (which was, in the main, apotheosized by policy elites of Anglo-Saxonia (US, UK and Australia) demonstrates how there is a growing realisation on the part of even other Western ‘germanic’ powers that Britain and the US are ‘an item’. Especially of recent, the US,Britain and Australia have so colluded or call it collaborated in subjecting the certain parts of world that it is forgivable for one to contemplate the allegation and investigation of conspiracy. If the scale of collusion descernable prima facie does not definitudely validate the existence of the Anglo-Saxon ‘axis’ preached by Strong or present in US-UK behaviour and historical connection then probably Copernicus’ 1543 claim that it is the earth that goes round the sun [Readers Digest, p350] should be dismissed as well. The US, the UK and Australia, all Anglo-Saxon dominated settlements, constitute the main body of what may be called Anglo-Saxonia but they are a genre scattered all over the world. If anybody feels it is unsafe to anchor analysis of the connectivity between the US and British impirical philosophy then they should also consider the view that it is in fact even more dangerous not to do so. The term Anglo-American cannot provide a competent substitute to the term Anglo-Saxon because it will create the more vexing task of coming up with other terms to explain the operation of the complex in countries like Australia and New Zealand or communities of similar pattern in South Africa and Canada to pick just two. According to this theory the Anglo-Saxons are both distinct from and related to the germanic tribes tribes of western Europe on account that while the French, Dutch, Swedes, Norwegians, Belgians, Danes, Germans and northern Italians confined themselves to mainland Europe longer the Anglo-Saxons went on to adopt Britain as their staging post. The 1st and 2nd World Wars were fought among them just to determine their flag carrier and that contest was won by the Anglo-Saxons otherwise their political philosophy is equally brutal to what they allege to be Hitler’s evil and the fact that the reigning monarchs of Britain are the Saxo-Cabouges of German means they still socialise ‘nicely’. If any discounts this view they should come up with a rational explanation for black slavery and the trade in it or the latter and more subtle forms of this cannibalism. The Russians may have their own versions of barbarity but not of the extremity displayed by germanic tribes. Of course they borrowed one or two tricks through marriage to Victoria’s children or other associations but they are on the periphery of the main game. Jews are just overanxious to join the very society that does not recognise them and will be ditched at the right time when their usefulness expiresCase rested. 
Ang-Sxn Cmx -page 4 
Over the centuries Anglo-Saxon conquests have mutated into a world domination agenda which has the markings of an unmistakably elaborate enterprise whose sordid reflection of ‘Barbarian Sentiments,’ [to borrow William Pfaff’s title words for his book on US foreign policy {Smith, 1994, p354}] is evidenced by their Victorian Age and Cold War masterpieces of genocide. Machiavelli and Thomas Hobbes, the fathers of realism, would have for certain liked to adopt as models of what they considered to be the inherently vicious and self centred nature of man [Ibid, pp351-6]. In short hand language to be Anglo-Saxon is to be germanic which is to be teutonic which is to be Arian to be western European as is to be heretic and is to be barbarian and is to be vandal and is to be invaders and is to be cannibalistic. And however uggly Anglo-Saxon or other scholars may like to discredit Hitler he was not wrong in his conception of greater germany nor was he wrong in visualising Russia as the place to expand towards and not western Europe because he was only acting in the self preservation of his genre. America is just but an extension of Europe and in particular England’s Britain on the other side of the Atlantic no wonder Bush called his war on Afghanstan a crusade, the word used by Europe against moslem countries during the middle ages. Bush [junior] is blamed for not employing discretion on what he says in public but that helps scholarly analysis because it certainly exposes the values deposited in him by his father [an ex-president] and his western society.  
Genetic affinity for violence~ So to the serious scholar it is clear that when the Spanish were contesting against Queen Elizabeth’s aimies; when Napoleon was engaging in the mass battlefield murders that painted him as a military genius in, however, a war that had no precise rationale; when the Prussians humiliate the French in 1871; when the British pursued the Dutch Boer descendants of SA; or when armies charged at each other in the case of the 1st and 2nd World Wars; or when hoardes of European mercenaries filled up Rhodesian and South African settler armies during the African struggle for independence it is just the classic display of attavism by a teutonic genre which had demonstrated its affinity for pillage during the Roman Empire and the Dark Ages when the same specie caused tumoil on Europe’s Atlantic coast and the North Sea. When man engages in war as a foreign policy instrument it must be borne in mind that germanic tribes itch for it with or without legitimate cause because violence is in their blood as opposed to for example the Shona people in Zimbabwe who would only fight defensive wars over the infringement of their territories or that of their kinsmen but not for aggression or economic robbery.  
Britain and the US have carved an undeclared relationship of mother lion and cub in a manner very comparable to Mfasa and Simba in Disneyland’s box office hit ‘The Lion King’. We should wait to see if there is anything to this close resemblance by checking how well the US as the cub will subdue the Arabs who are ambly playing the role of hyneas of that film. Russia could well be uncle Scar with european countries depicting female lions while Indians and Africans are the baboons but China is an odd ball dragon the script-writer of the international political drama would probably classify as baboons as well since they are asiatics 
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